City of Thornton, City Clerk, Boards and Commissions
Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment Application

Planning Commission

The purpose of the Planning Commission is to assist in the orderly development of the city by providing review of planning, zoning, and development-related matters. The Planning Commission is responsible for holding public hearings to review and provide recommendations to City Council on the following applications and city-initiated plans:

  • Major Comprehensive Plan Amendments and supporting Master Plans, Area Plans and other land use-related assessments or analyses
  • Amendments to the Development Code (Chapter 18 of the City Code)
  • Annexations
  • Zoning Amendments
  • Planned Development Zoning and Overall Development Plans
  • Conceptual Site Plans

The Planning Commission also holds public hearings to review and make decisions on Specific Use Permits (SUP) and Major Development Permits that require an SUP. Development Permits approve specific site design and layout for a property.

Board of Adjustment

The Board of Adjustment consists of the same individuals who serve on the Planning Commission. This board is responsible for holding public hearings on Variances which are requests to grant an exception to or variation from the zoning regulations when there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in carrying out the provisions of the Development Code. The board also considers appeals of administrative planning decisions and interpretations of the Development Code.

Membership and Qualifications

Membership consists of nine individuals appointed by City Council with representation from each ward. Two of the members must have professional experience in fields such as urban planning, architecture, land use, transportation, engineering, environmental science, or law. The experience should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of planning principles, practices, and the ability to analyze and evaluate development proposals.

Meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of each month and normally begin at 6 p.m.

Home Address (include City, State ZIP+4)
Address of Employer

Please read the following, then type your name and date in the signature block below, and submit electronically, using the “Submit Application” button in order to complete the board application.

  • I certify that the facts and statements contained in this board application are true and correct. I further understand that false statements shall be sufficient cause for rejection of this application or for grounds to apply the penalty provisions of the Code of Ethics.
  • I further certify that I have not been convicted of a felony under the laws of the State of Colorado or in another jurisdiction.
  • I understand that falsification, omission or misrepresentation will result in a rejection of this application. Any falsification, omission or misrepresentation is evidence of perjury in the second degree.
  • I authorize the City of Thornton to conduct a criminal background investigation, with the understanding that any felony convictions found will become a matter of public record. I further understand and acknowledge my rights under federal privacy laws, including the Privacy Act of 1974, with respect to access and disclosure of information and hereby waive such rights with the understanding that any and all information furnished will be used only in connection with contracting procedures.
Your typed name here constitutes your signature.